Friday, 29 April 2016

Union Board Members Elected

The executive board members of the newly founded Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners have been elected today by the manual osteopaths across Canada.

The new CUOMP board members are:
Secretary-Treasurer: Dr Jennifer Confalone-Pottruf, DBM, DO (36% of the votes)
Vice President: Dr Oleg Bagrin, MD, DOMP (41% of the votes)
President: Dr Shahin Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD (82% of the votes)

CUOMP is the first and only union in Canada dedicated to the profession of osteopathic manual practice.

Student writes about NUMSS (Spain)

Osteopathic manual practitioner, Dr. Martin Bouska, DO (Spain) writes about why he chose to study osteopathic manual practice at National University of Medical Sciences (Spain):

…………………………This is the first school I was attending where teachers listen to students and the school grows day by day in its contents……………………… university has provided me with huge amount of techniques in very understandable format……………… We had also learned Andrew Taylor Still techniques, which are original techniques of osteopathy´s founder and Dr Spitler´s Manual mechanotherapy which is now mainly practiced in Ohio by a group of practitioners calling themselves mechanotherpists. The techniques are considered the lost techniques of osteopathy……………………………. I really like my teachers there. Starting with Dr. Pourgol who teaches Mobilizations and Muscle energy techniques, but also business management which made us prepared for business life, marketing , safety and promotions………… We could ask him any time and he answered all the questions either in lectures or online. University staff are very kind and were nice to meet them in person. They helped me with every problem or question I have had. I am happy I chose NUMSS. They prepared me to be skilled manual osteopath, entering the door to osteopathy. 

To read the full article click on the link below please:

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

We Graduate the Best Osteopathic Manual Practitioners!

We just read a post a patient put about osteopathic manual practitioner Mark Filipov, one of our students in Quebec (Canada). Letters like this makes us so proud. Our graduates are instant success, because we teach them everything we know about business and they learn more techniques than any other schools. (In Quebec, our graduates are permitted to call themselves osteopaths. In the rest of Canada as well as the States our graduates must use the title osteopathic manual practitioner).

Bia Fabia
April 25 at 7:54pm ·
I just had the most amazing Osteopath appointment. I finally found the best Osteopath. I have gone through 4 different Osteopaths in the past 6 months. This guy Mark Filipov is simply amazing. He is on the West Island. Check out his website and call for an appointment. Tell him Bia sent you.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Professor Andrew Chan

Professor Andrew Chan teaching the differences between isotonic and tablet supplementation.

DO to PhD

Doctor of Osteopathy to Doctor of Philosophy in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences

NUMSS (Spain) doctor of osteopathy (DO) graduates who wish to obtain NUMSS (USA) doctor of philosophy in osteopathic clinical sciences (PhD) can do so in 6 months (1 semester) if they already have a master’s degree (in any field). Tuition for them will be $3,500 (US).

Those who do not have a master’s degree have to take the dual degree MSc/PhD or MBA/PhD. The master’s program could be the master of science in athletic therapy, master of science in pedorthics or master of business administration. The dual degree program takes one year (2 semesters) to be completed and tuition is $5,000 per semester ($10,000 for the complete program).

To receive an application please contact Desi at Thank you.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Want to Practice in the States?

Would you like to practice manual osteopathy in the States?

Join us for a live Question & Answer session.

I have invited American osteopathic manual practitioner, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, NMD, DO (a graduate of National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) and one of its professors) to Join us on Monday, Apr 25, 2016 at 8 pm (EST) on live broadcast to talk about our profession in the States!

If you have questions that would like some answers regarding the topic, feel free to message me on FB .

Andrew Chan, DOMP
National Osteopathic Practitioners Alumni Association

Link to the event:

American Massage Therapy Association accepts NUMSS (USA)

AMTA accepts NUMSS

We just received a letter from the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) indicating that the National University of Medical Sciences (USA) can be accepted as a school member of AMTA.
We are grateful to AMTA for accepting our bachelor of science in massage therapy program.

Our students are eligible now to join AMTA as a member. AMTA was nice enough to also offer about 25% discount in membership to our students.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

First Manual Osteopathy Union in Canada

For the first time in history, osteopathic manual practitioners in Canada will have a union of their own!

Today, April 21, 2016 Dr. Shahin Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD president of National University of Medical Sciences (USA) registered the Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (CUOMP).

There will be an election held on Friday, April 29, 2016 between 9AM to 2PM at the York University Heights campus of National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto. Osteopathic manual practitioners can vote in person or online through email.

Rachel Ligon, Luary Perez and Desi Burgos will be the election monitors.

Osteopathic manual practitioners, who are Canadian residents can nominate themselves for one of the positions (president, vice president & secretary-treasurer). Deadline for nomination is 5PM on Monday, April 25, 2016. All manual osteopaths are welcome to nominate themselves.

Currently the following osteopathic manual practitioners have been nominated (the final list will be published on Tuesday):
Dr Jennifer Confalone-Pottruf, Dr Oleg Bagrin, Dr Ernest Makram, Dr Shahin Pourgol, Andrew Chan, Reyaz Rattan, Ladan Jebhe, Shirin Pourgol, Morgan Donaldson & Candace Terry.

Membership in this union is open free of charge to all osteopathic manual petitioners.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Attention Canadian Students

Quebec (Canada) Students:

One of the alumni of our sister school, National University of Medical Sciences (Spain), chiropractor/osteopath; Dr Sylvain Desforges, DC, DO, who is also a board of governor member of NUMSS (USA) is president of two associations in Quebec.

Any NUMSS (USA) alumni interested in joining these associations or need more information please feel free to contact Dr Desforges.

Dr Desforges is also a board of governors member of NUMSS (Spain).

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Lymphatic Pump Technique Improves Immune System

A new research done on nursing home residents & published by the JAOA (Journal of the American Osteopathic Association) shows manual osteopathic lymphatic technique enhances the immune system:

Here is the link to the original article printed by JAOA:

New Lectures on Lymphatic Techniques:

Professor Darren Wigginton, PT, RMT, DOMP has recorded some new lymphatic techniques. They will be processed and up within a couple of weeks to our video server for our registered students to watch.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Quarter of a Million Facebook Fans!

Thank you everyone for making us the most popular schools of osteopathy in the world. We now have approximately 250,000 Facebook fans for National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada), National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) and National University of Medical Sciences (USA).

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

The Lost Techniques of Osteopathic Manual Practice

Did you know we (National University of Medical Sciences (USA) along with NUMSS (Spain) and National Academy of Osteopathy) are the only schools of osteopathic manual practice teaching the manual mechanotherapy techniques of H. R. Spitler, MD, DC, DO, PhD?

Dr Spitler was a medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopath and optometrist in Ohio, USA who invented a model of osteopathy techniques about a hundred years ago that dealt with soft tissue as well as osseous manual therapy. As his techniques focused mainly on orthopedic conditions of musculoskeletal system, he fell out of favour with the osteopathy leadership of the time and his techniques were not taught in most osteopathic schools.

Manual mechanotherapy is now mainly practiced in Ohio by a group of practitioners calling themselves mechanotherpists. The techniques are considered the lost techniques of osteopathy.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum, NMD, DO (from Ohio, USA) has done six lectures on this technique which is now available for our students to watch at our video server.

 To celebrate opening the first and only manual osteopathy university in the United States, in the month of May 2016 we are giving free access to all our updated and new videos to all NAO and NUMSS graduates once they complete an assignment. Contact Rachel or Luary if you wish to receive information on how to get your free user ID and password to our video server.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

List of Osteopathic Titles Granted by Schools

Designations Used in Osteopathy

There are a number of different designations offered by accredited schools of osteopathy across the world. Please note that there are two types of osteopathy being taught across the world. In the United States, osteopathy means American style osteopathy, also known as osteopathic medicine. The education of osteopathic physicians and surgeons in USA is quite similar to medical education. In Canada the titles DO and MD can be used interchangeably by American style osteopaths. American style osteopathic education is available only in the US. In the rest of the world European style osteopathy, also known as manual osteopathy or osteopathic manual practice is being taught. The title “DO” means three different things. It could mean American style doctor of osteopathy, European style doctor of osteopathy or a diploma in osteopathy.


Education Length
Location Offered
Doctor of Osteopathy or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
7 to 9 years full time, campus based (3 years bachelor, 4 years osteopathic school, 2 years residency)
American style DO (osteopathic medicine) is offered only in the USA by 30 universities
Doctor of Osteopathy
7 years full time, campus based or online (3 years bachelor, 4 years manual osteopathic school)
European style DO (manual osteopathy) offered only in Spain by the National University of Medical Sciences (Spain)
Diploma in Osteopathy
2 to 5 years full or part time, campus based
Offered across the world, mostly in Europe and Quebec (Canada)
Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice
1 year full time, campus based or online, 2 to 5 years part time
Offered only in Canada. The title of DOMP is copyrighted by Dr Shahin Pourgol on behalf of National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto.  
Bachelor’s degree in Osteopathy
3 to 4 years full time, campus based or online
Offered by a number of schools in United Kingdom, Spain and USA
Master’s degree in osteopathy
5 years full time, campus based as entry level program, 1 year full time as postgraduate program
Offered mainly in Australia and Spain
Doctor of Philosophy in Osteopathy
6 to 9 years full time, online or campus based as an entry level program. 2 to 4 years full time as a postgraduate program.
Offered only by the National University of Medical Sciences (USA) and the National University of Medical Sciences (Spain).



Thursday, 7 April 2016

Andrew Chan Hired to Teach Advanced Trigger Point Therapy

Two New Advanced Lecture Series: Trigger Point Therapy & ROM Measurements

Osteopathic manual practitioner, Andrew Chan (who is also president of the National Osteopathic Alumni Association) has been hired to give 12 advanced lectures on trigger point therapy, as well as up to 12 lectures on active and passive range of motion measurements.

We welcome Andrew to our teaching faculty.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Earn your Bachelor of Science in MASSAGE THERAPY

One year program, online or on-campus

The newly founded National University of Medical Sciences (USA) based in Naples, Florida offers an accelerated degree program available only to massage therapists. The program is 1 year, online or campus based. Total tuition is $7,000 (US) for the online program & $12,000 for the campus based program.

We are the first university in the USA to offer a degree program in osteopathic manual practice. But we also offer other degrees in physical therapy, botanical medicine, athletic therapy, pedorthics and MBA.

You can also enrol in 33 other online or on-campus health related diploma or degree programs offered by our sister schools, National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada) and National University of Medical Sciences (Spain).

To receive our information package please send an email to

Thank you.

New Lectures: Sports Specific Osteopathic Care

Quebec osteopathic manual practitioner, Ann Shivas, DOMP has joined our faculty to teach a number of lectures on sports specific osteopathic care. Ann is a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy and a previous member of Canada’s National Female Soccer Team.

Her lectures cover advanced topics such as:

Testing sports specific arthro-kinematics
Analyzing whole body movements
Testing joint ‘buffers’
Athletic posture assessment
Mental stability/Concussions

We welcome Ann to our faculty.

Attention Online Students

We have added an optional service to help and improve your techniques.

Effective immediately you can videotape yourself practicing techniques, and then send the video to our technique instructor, Nicholas Zancai, DOMP to be evaluated. Nick can be reached at

Your video should not be larger than 25MB or else it will not be delivered to us. Best is if you upload it to Youtube as a private video (not visible to anyone else) and then send the link to Nick.

This is NOT mandatory. It is optional. It is designed to help evaluate your technique and to guide and improve you. It is not an exam. And you do not have to do it if you do not wish to.

As we just finished teaching lumbar osteoarticular and MET techniques, you can videotape these lumbar techniques and email it to Nick if you wish your techniques to be evaluated.

NUMSS (USA) New Board of Governors Member

We welcome Dr Daniel Nuzum, NMD, DO (Spain) as the new member of National University of Medical Sciences (USA) board of governors.

Dr Nuzum is an American (from Ohio) naturopathic medical doctor & osteopathic manual practitioner. He is also one of our distinguished professors at National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada), National University of Medical Sciences (Spain), and the newly founded National University of Medical Sciences (USA).

We are happy to have Dr Nuzum with us and know that we will benefit greatly from his expert knowledge in the field of natural health.

Welcome Dr Nuzum!

Visceral Manipulation: A Short Video

A simplified & brief description of how osteopathic visceral manipulation works:

Research on Visceral Techniques of Osteopathic Manual Practice

Brain scan shows how osteopathic visceral manipulation of organs help patients through the central nervous system.

Expanding Osteopathic Manual Practice to Small Towns

Our goal is to make manual osteopathic care available in every city around the world, no matter how small.

To introduce osteopathic manual practice to small towns National Academy of Osteopathy has decided to advertise on large billboards near small towns.

We start in Ontario, Canada followed by other Canadian provinces, then USA and other countries.
Here is our first billboard ad in Oakwood, Ontario.

This is Naples (Florida)

This is Naples, Florida, where National University of Medical Sciences (USA) is registered at.

Dear Applicants

Even though National University of Medical Sciences (USA) and National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) are founded by the same person (Dr Pourgol), they remain two different, independent universities registered in two different countries. They are not two branches of the same university.

NUMSS (USA) bank account is with Bank of America in USA and all payments related to NUMSS (USA) must go directly to NUMSS (USA).

Please do not use NUMSS (Spain) bank account and payment systems to pay for any of NUMSS (USA) fees and tuition. This causes a lot of issues with our accounting and tax systems.
Thank you for understanding.

Manual Osteopathy Improves Function

Research finds osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) improves function in patients suffering from chronic low back pain.

6 Manual Osteopathy Sessions Decreased Disability by 50%

Research finds JUST 6 manual osteopathy SESSIONS (in a period of 2 months) reduced pain and disability by more than 50% in majority of 455 patients evaluated. Research was published in the Journal of American Osteopathic Association (JAOA).

We always keep saying that our popularity and the reason we are Canadian's number one choice for low back pain relief is our ability to treat chronic pain. And this research proves it!

The link to JAOA article is:

Attention Online & On-Campus Students

We finished with the lumbar MET techniques and starting today for the next 7 days we will have practical exams on these techniques.

Campus based students should book 30 minutes appointments (between 2 to 4PM) with techniques instructor Nicholas Zancai, DOMP for the practical exam. These practical exams are mandatory for campus based students.

Online students who wish to participate in the practical exams can videotape themselves performing the lumbar MET techniques and then email the video to Nicholas at (the exam is optional for on-line students).

Good luck!

Osteopathic Manual Practice in French Guadeloupe Island

Our mission is to expand osteopathic manual practice to every corner of the world so patients everywhere could benefit from this wonderful health care. We teach in 54 countries and expanded osteopathic manual practice to so many countries where it did not exist before (such as Tanzania, Brunei, etc). Now we are glad to mention that soon this profession is coming to the Guadeloupe Island of France.

Guadeloupe is a French island in the Caribbean Sea, that is considered part of the European Union. The currency is Euro and it is part of the Eurozone.

We have admitted a student from this island to the osteopathic manual practice program of one of our schools. Soon the 400,000 population of this beautiful French Island will have access to best manual osteopathic care possible.

Earn your PhD in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences

PhD (OCS): ONLINE or On-Campus

National University of Medical Sciences (USA), based in Naples, Florida is the first and only American university offering programs in osteopathic manual practice. We offer eight online &/or on-campus degree programs including a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in osteopathic clinical sciences, bachelor of science in massage therapy, postgraduate doctor of physical therapy, doctor of botanical medicine, master of science in athletic therapy, master of science in pedorthics, bachelor of science in osteopathic manual practice, and master of business administration.

The PhD (OCS) is 4 years for category 1 students without health background. For category 2 students with prior health education such as massage therapists, acupuncturists & kinesiologists it is 2 years and for doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors & physiotherapists it is 1 year.

Prerequisite is having a master’s degree (in any field). Those students who do not have a master’s degree may enrol in any one of our dual (such as MBA/PhD or MSc/PhD) or triple (such as BSc, MBA, PhD, or BSc/MSc/PhD) degrees to complete the programs and satisfy the prerequisites at a shorter time while paying less tuition.

Tuition is $3,500 (US dollar) per semester ($7,000 per year) for online programs and $6,000 per semester ($12,000 per year) for campus-based programs. Campus based programs include 2 months of internship in a student clinic (per semester) where applicable. There is no hidden fee. All other costs (portable hard drive, transcripts, printed degree certificate, exam fees) are included in the tuition.

Our programs are available to everyone across the world, no matter where they are from. Health professionals receive advanced credits allowing them to earn some of our degree programs at a shorter time while paying less tuition.

NUMSS (USA) graduates of our two osteopathic manual practice programs can either open a manual osteopathic care clinic or seek employment in rehabilitation, medical, massage & physiotherapy clinics everywhere including USA (all states), Canada (all provinces), South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. Alumni can employ a number of techniques to help patients such as cranial osteopathy, visceral manipulation, osteoarticular techniques, muscle energy techniques, balanced ligamentous tension, positional facilitated release, strain/counterstrain, Still’s, etc.
Our graduates are permitted to work in all Canadian provinces, American states, and all European, African & Asian countries (In Canada & USA our graduates must call themselves osteopathic manual practitioners as the term osteopath is reserved for American style osteopathic physicians who also do surgery and prescribe medications).

NUMSS (USA) is accepted as a “University outside Canada” by the Canadian government. As such our Canadian students can receive up to $5000 in tuition and textbooks tax credits from the Canadian Revenue Agency. Our tuition is also tax deductible as a business expense.

NUMSS (USA) is accepted by many associations. Our graduates can join as members associations such as American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), British Herbal Medicine Association, The Association of MBAs in Canada, The British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences, Ontario Osteopathic & Alternative Medicine Association (that is accepted by most insurers), College of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners of Ontario, Asociation des ostéopathes Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative, Ontario Association of Osteopathy & Alternative Medicine, Alliance Canadienne de Médecine Alternative , British Columbia College of Osteopathic Rehabilitation Sciences, Collège des Ostéopathes Canadiens, Canadian Manual Osteopathy Examining Board, International Osteopathy Examining Board, International Osteopathic Association, Society of Osteopaths of Canada, Tribal Health Care Administration & Licensing of the North Carolina Nottaway Tribal Community, Ontario Association of Osteopathic Practitioners, Ontario Chamber of Commerce, & Alberta College of Osteopathic Rehabilitation Sciences among others.

To help your patients more and to set yourself apart from competitors, earn your degree in osteopathic manual practice now. Next class starts in September 2016.

Those wishing to study other programs offered by the two other schools founded by our president, Dr Shahin Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO (Spain), PhD should contact National University of Medical Sciences Spain ( or National Academy of Osteopathy in Canada ( Both schools offer online as well on-campus programs in many countries.

To receive our information package which includes NUMSS (USA) academic calendar and application form please send an email to

Thank you.

Friends of Osteopathy in Parliament

National University of Medical Sciences (USA) president Dr Shahin Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD was invited today to the Ontario Parliament by Honorable Dr Reza Moridi, PhD, MPP, the Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges & Universities.

Dr Pourgol was fortunate enough to also speak with Honorable John Tory, the Toronto Mayor and Honorable Kathleen Wynne the Ontario Premier.

These distinguished politicians are all friends of osteopathy and every year send greetings to our students.