Friday, 29 April 2016

Student writes about NUMSS (Spain)

Osteopathic manual practitioner, Dr. Martin Bouska, DO (Spain) writes about why he chose to study osteopathic manual practice at National University of Medical Sciences (Spain):

…………………………This is the first school I was attending where teachers listen to students and the school grows day by day in its contents……………………… university has provided me with huge amount of techniques in very understandable format……………… We had also learned Andrew Taylor Still techniques, which are original techniques of osteopathy´s founder and Dr Spitler´s Manual mechanotherapy which is now mainly practiced in Ohio by a group of practitioners calling themselves mechanotherpists. The techniques are considered the lost techniques of osteopathy……………………………. I really like my teachers there. Starting with Dr. Pourgol who teaches Mobilizations and Muscle energy techniques, but also business management which made us prepared for business life, marketing , safety and promotions………… We could ask him any time and he answered all the questions either in lectures or online. University staff are very kind and were nice to meet them in person. They helped me with every problem or question I have had. I am happy I chose NUMSS. They prepared me to be skilled manual osteopath, entering the door to osteopathy. 

To read the full article click on the link below please:

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